My Book
God's Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality
How can Christian men and women live faithfully in a world confused over sexuality and gender? Surely we must be reminded of what Scripture teaches. Yet as God’s design for sexuality is being suppressed and denied in the modern world, we need to hear it articulated in a fresh and accessible way. God’s Good Design presents the historic, biblical view of sexuality in a manner that is appealing even to those who have been conditioned to believe it is scary or oppressive. Readers will be persuaded of the goodness of God’s design through straightforward biblical reasoning, personal illustrations, practical applications, and lots of “I never thought of it that way” insights.
Available now on Amazon (paper, kindle, audio) and audio streaming on the Canon+ app
Michael Foster
“The modern conversation on biblical sexuality is dominated by either politically correct social justice warriors or over-the-top shock jocks. Clary’s plain spoken approach is refreshing and helpful. There are no cheap shots but neither are there any pulled punches.”
Foster is the pastor of East River Church, Batavia, Ohio and author of “It’s Good to Be a Man”
Megan Basham
“All throughout Scripture, we see God’s creational design for the two sexes. Yet our culture has so suppressed the significance of manhood and womanhood that they are now not just interchangeable but exchangeable. Michael Clary offers a deep, biblical corrective to the gnostic thinking that has plagued the Western world for at least six decades now. The irrefutable truth he presents takes the American church to task for its complicity in suppressing God’s good design and reminds us of our call to be distinct from the culture in the matters of sex and sexuality.”
Basham is a reporter for the Daily Wire and author of Author of “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda”
C. R. Wiley
“Michael Clary has written a profound and important book. In it he addresses a subject that many powerful and influential people wish he hadn’t addressed. I wish those people were just outside the church, but unfortunately, they’re in it as well. He has had the temerity to speak clearly, and persuasively as an advocate for sexual sanity in an insane time. He’s joined a small resistance movement by doing so. I’m pleased that he’s quoted me—but he also quotes a number of my friends and acquaintances. That says something. There aren’t many of us. A few years ago, it seemed like there were many men and women who could be counted on to endorse sanity. I’m sad to say that has not proven to be the case. But you hold in your hands an invitation to join our intrepid band as we make an appeal for moral and biblical sense in a world of sexual nonsense."
Wiley is a pastor and author of “The Household and the War for the Cosmos” and “In the House of Tom Bombadil”
Dr. Owen Strachan
“God’s design really is a beautiful design. Those given eyes to see it will come away from Michael Clary’s strong book thinking just that. In these packed pages, you'll find many insights here, much pastoral wisdom, and a lot of courageous care for Christ’s church. This is not a book that shames and scorches the reader; it’s a book that tells the truth, but always points us to the upward call of God in Christ. We live out God's good design entirely, it turns out, by God's amazing grace.”