I'd like to believe I have good discernment. Maybe not ! If I would have read this post without all the red markings on it, I may have said AMEN. I appreciate the contrast you show between non moral traits vs. the immoral. I've always been inquisitive about the motivation of some churches. Is the sign of a church growing in popularity a sign of solid theological doctrine. Absolutely not ! I'll refrain from calling out some of these congregations, but any church that cozies up with ole Joel Osteen, I'll scratch that one off my list. Well done article Michael ! Keep em coming

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May I recommend this book, which shows it is a bigger problem than I had realized https://a.co/d/4A2Bnju

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I've read it! Highly recommend

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Yes...overall can be compared to Jesus said go and sin no more, but it's like churches say come and sin more. Because if you come into the church without repenting being a main reason, you care bringing sin. ...God cannot be around sin, He will not. Jesus will only intercede when we ask Him to & repent....so it begs the question....why are these kind of predators...oops I meant people, even wanting to come into the church?....hmm. be vigilant because your enemy the adversary walketh about looking for whom he can devour.......

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It’s the ol’ bait and switch routine.

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Great essay! Just another way they attempt to justify sin to fill the seats...

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It’s as clear as these to me:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Corinthians 13:4

2 Peter 3:15

1 John 4:18-19

John 12:47-48

1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15

Romans 2:4; John 1:14-17, 8:31-32

I’m coming from realizing today’s kids have been lied to, confused, misled, tried to follow conscience, understood agape to be different things, and GOD is patient.

I think when people have been told their fears and sexual tension toons are “who” they are, and they are lying if not “authentic”, they are easily manipulated. We now scientifically know arousal can happen with anxiety or fear.

And kids may be trying to protect errant parents, by being the sex they think they wish, so as to avoid the parent being obtuse.

And kids made to lose conscience, sin badly (say hide an underage girl, or married woman, or an accident) if not the “right” denomination or religion, are told to go gay to avoid a pedophile label, and on and on.

It takes a lot of faith, to just be humble and survive. And then if you’re told you’ll shame your government or family or friends if you admit your past, or that others used you, it takes a whole lot of courage, to simply trust Christ is loving, forgiving and Lord.

So, it might then take a while to wade through the lies, come out with hope. (2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 11:17-23; Matthew 6:12-15; Galatians 6:15) Especially when many want to cancel one for doing so. And many of these kids are in the prime of their lives, seeking careers, success, any hope at all. (Been here most of my life.) And, told if I’d just say I have some moral disorder I could (win, be rich, be liked….)

Jesus told me to say, Matthew 4:10.

If love is patient, how do we be clear, and also avoid destroying? Micah be 7:18-20; Psalm 139:7-12, 23-24; John 4…., 2 Peter 1:9 and not believe people should want to throw something in one’s face about the earthly facts, forgetting the true spiritual ones? Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, etc.

How do we communicate hope, the “there and not yet”, that God is love, and love looks like a form of “orthodoxy”, but not legalistic? Romans 8:1, 14-15, 28-29….

I want pure churches.

I don’t want the ones hanging on with doubt, lost. 2 Timothy 2:13

Let us pray?

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Also, Jesus didn’t give all the truth at once to everyone. Matthew13

Why? I’ve heard His grace and patience are mercy. That people will be tried for what they know. (ML)

This is why we need true churches, and also outreach?

I believe often those with sensitive consciences get harmed, and off.

Grace not condemnation nor labels can get them back. Romans 1:28-2:4

So, the church does need clarity.

Punishment is for those who rebel, will not ask GOD for help. We need to not assume that someone is not asking God, just because they won’t ask us, especially if the church has blown their trust.

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Actually, another thirty or so

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When kids have no hope, and we tell them hope in Christ, I realize how difficult this actually is, to overcome the intense fear and hopelessness, hurtful i forgiveness, often offered by religious people, (and sometimes loving people who just haven’t been through it).

I’m so grateful GOD helped me over about fifteen years, to have joy, hope in Him, peace again, with residual issues, another forty years.

For a while I had to pray, Lord, “make me willing to be willing to be willing”. A pretty patient church, and kind parents were the only thing I had with the Lord Jesus, at times.

And how many kids today had a good start, immersed in hymns and Scriptures—for which I am grateful, was very fortunate?

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Did you actually read the verses?

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And the other problem is the church has cooperated with reporting laws instead of due process, the first and fifth amendments , other due processes, been labelers as if lies are emergency relief, foster care, are first line, instead of seeing parents and others, forgiven, “in Christ”, (Ephesians 1:3-4; Matthew 18:15-22) while professionals are supposed to all support this.

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Toons is a typo.

Obtuse was accused.

One’s hanging on with doubt, I mean “people”

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