The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics ended with the queer/trans artists depicting a mock reenactment of Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" painting.
In this parody, the Christ figure was an obese woman making a heart symbol with her hands surrounded by a rainbow coalition of drag queens, bearded ladies, and other perversions.
This was no fluke.
This should not be dismissed at artistic expression gone too far, but open contempt for Christ and Christianity. They weren't mocking Mohammed or Buddha, because those are false religions. No, this level of contempt is reserved only for the Lord Jesus Christ.

This fact alone is a major clue as to their agenda. The opening ceremony was a thinly disguised pagan religious ceremony devoted to a demonic pantheon of LGBTQ gods.
When I say "demonic," that's not just a hyperbolic way of saying "this is really evil." No, I mean real demons. Actual demonic powers venting their blasphemous hatred for the true God.
In scripture, there is a pervasive connection between pagan spirituality and sexual immorality. God warned Israel against participating in the cult practices of the Canaanites, which included cult prostitution (Deut 23:17) and child sacrifice (Lev 18:21).
Sex is not merely a physical act. The connection between sexual pleasure and pagan worship is demonstrated repeatedly in the OT.
Paganism has always sought to bend, blend, twist, invert, and destroy sexuality. Gender-bending androgyny has always been a hallmark of paganism. New Agers have long taught androgyny as the sexual ideal, where individuals are neither male nor female, but a exist on a gender spectrum.
The pagan agenda is the elimination of the male/female binary, which is a direct assault on the image of God as described in Gen 1:27 ("male and female he created them").
Biblical scholar Peter Jones said, "sexual perversion and the elimination of sexual distinctions are not incidental footnotes of pagan religious history but represent one of paganism’s fundamental ideological commitments."
He goes on to say, "the pagan priesthood is identified, across space and time, with the blurring of sexual identity via homosexual androgyny."
In other words, sexual immorality is spiritual, because human beings are spiritual. The opening ceremony was more than just a display of sexual perversion, but a religious cult ritual.
Satan's design is to twist and invert reality. It is very important that we see what's happening. The LGBTQ movement is a Satanic religious cult setting itself up as a rival to Christianity.
Don't fall for it.