Here’s a video (and accompanying transcript) I made about understanding what’s really going on in Pride Month.
Since LGBTQ Pride Month is just around the corner, it’s time for Christians to prepare ourselves for the inevitable onslaught of gay propaganda.
Let me tell you three things you need to know that can help you survive the rainbow apocalypse that’s coming.
#1: This is a Religion
In the 60’s, America went through a sexual revolution. In our day, we’ve got ourselves a sexual religion.
But this has happened before. There’s nothing new under the sun. The pagan gods of the ancient world were perverts. Just think of a deified Sam Smith and you get the idea. The Bible talks about all kinds of extreme sexual immorality people committed as part of their pagan religious practices.
People are doing the same things in our day. So we need to know what we’re dealing with. LGBTQ activism is a religious cult driven by demons. And if you think that’s crazy to say, you’re not paying attention to the overtly religious and blasphemous imagery being deployed.
So don’t believe the propaganda that this is all about love. It isn’t. This movement is animated by the same demonic powers that drove the ancient Canaanites to practice the same things.
#2: Children are the Targets
LGBTQ activists know that the key to the permanent normalization of sexual sin is recruiting children to be their allies, activists, and even participants in the cult. And the key to winning the children is to convince their mothers to go along through empathetic appeals to compassion, tolerance, and acceptance.
You’ll see this in elementary schools, Drag Queen story hours in public libraries, on Disney+, YouTube kids channels, and so on. Pay attention to the children’s departments at clothing stores. Last year, Target had a line of transgender swimwear for young children.
#3: The Strategy is to Overwhelm and Demoralize You Until You Think You’re the One Who’s Crazy
A lot of Pride Month is people just jumping on the bandwagon with the latest social fashion. They’re not ideologues, they’re just following the herd off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings. But there are activists behind the scenes coordinating a deliberate strategy to shape public opinion.
Back in the Gulf War, the American military deployed a “shock and awe” strategy to overwhelm the opponent with a non-stop, demoralizing campaign of bombings and attacks that would cause them to surrender quickly.
Gay activists are doing the same thing. Pride is a month-long, coordinated, shock and awe strategy to assault our senses with an endless barrage of rainbows.
We’ll be subjected to gross spectacles of public indecency as pride parades march down main street, businesses change their social profiles to pride flags, family friendly drag shows at the local mall, department stores decorated in rainbow flags, and you might even see a Ford F150 dressing up in drag.
People have always done stupid things (bell bottoms) they regret to be cool. But the dumb decisions you make to honor the pagan gods of sexual high-fashion of today rope you into a powerful cult that can permanently enslave people.
That’s the strategy. It creates the illusion that you’re the only sane human in America who hasn’t bowed the knee to Baal. Don’t fall for it. God had 7,000 faithful believers in Elijah’s day, and there’s a lot more than that in ours.
What we need to do is completely reject the sexual religion. We can’t let the shock and awe strategy bully us into thinking we’re the minority. We’re not. They are. It just so happens that they are the ones with the biggest microphone exerting outsized influence on everyone else.
So don’t be discouraged or dismayed. The sexual religion is a pagan cult that Jesus defeated at the cross. We can look forward to the end of Pride Month when the drama dies down, things return to normal, and we turn our attention to the Presidential election. :)
Gendered Virtue Conference Audio/Video Now Available!
All audio and video from the King’s Domain conference, “Gendered Virtue: Men and Women Who Take Dominion,” are now available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple podcasts, and all other major podcasting platforms. Just search “King’s Domain” in your podcasting app, or use these links below.
King’s Domain Conference Youtube channel
King’s Domain Conference on Apple Podcasts
King’s Domain Conference on Spotify
Keep Yourself Grounded in Truth During Pride Month
With Pride month just around the corner, your senses are about to be carpet bombed with a non-stop celebration of sexual sin. You're about to be gaslit and propagandized by coordinated PR campaigns on the daily.
For many Christians, this is a real test of faith. While they know that these things are wrong, they often don't know why these things are wrong. Most Christians don't feel equipped to answer all the arguments they hear and it makes them question their beliefs. I've known quite a few people who have lost their faith because they couldn't reconcile Christianity with the sexual revolution.

That's one of the biggest reasons why I wrote “God's Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality.” I wanted to give people answers to questions they never knew until recently they'd be asking, but here we are.
This is an uncompromising biblical resource that can help you understand what the Bible says about sexuality and how to live it out faithfully in these crazy times.
This book isn't written in ivory tower scholar-speak. It's written for ordinary Christians and pastors. In my opinion, this book is a good resource for people as young as older teenagers.
It's been reviewed positively by American Reformer and The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
God’s Good Design received cover endorsements from Michael Foster, Megan Basham, C. R. Wiley, and Owen Strachan. I heard from Joe Rigney that he will be assigning this book to his students at New Saint Andrews College. If you know these names, you know these are people you can trust.
God’s Good Design is available at the links below.
Audible (audio):
Canon+ (audio):
Other Writings and Media Appearances
“A Defeated Church?” - My Sermon from the Operation Save America Conference
What Will Happen to the SBC if the Law Amendment Fails - My article for Center for Baptist Leadership
I've always considered, how odd that the Alphabet coalition of gays, try to hijack the rainbow from Christianity. Being a student and admirer of behavior psychology, I'd like to believe that these folks who are struggling with their sexuality and are trying to hold on somehow to biblical truths. This could also be Satan's way of slamming Christians using their our symbolism against us. I agree 100% we are being beat into submission that we are the ones who are shortsighted in matters of sexual preferences. Good word Brother !
Thanks for the good message Michael!