About two weeks ago, the voters of OH elected to enshrine abortion in our state constitution. The next day, Christianity Today drops an article glorifying singleness as something that’s just as good as marriage.
The topic of singleness is “on brand” for CT, as can be seen from other hyperlinked resources littered throughout the article.

Singleness and abortion. These two are linked. Polling data indicates that single women are big fans of abortion. Seventy one percent voted in favor of OH’s abortion amendment. I’ve heard reports that a number of single Christian women also voted in favor of abortion.
Why is this?
The answer should be obvious. Single women are having sex, getting pregnant, and then aborting their babies because they don’t want them. Normalizing singleness leads to more abortions. Period.
An October 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center found that marriage rates continue to decline. Pew also found that “unpartnered” adults (singles) simply aren’t doing as well in several key metrics, such as completing a bachelor’s degree, being employed, median income, living on their own, and gaining financial independence.

And yet, Christianity Today continues to beat the tone-deaf drum of normalizing singleness as though it is just as good as marriage.
Singleness should not be normalized and celebrated in the church. Rather, we should be helping single men and women find suitable spouses.
For those who desire marriage but haven’t found a spouse yet, they should be encouraged as those going through a trial, not celebrated as though singleness is spiritually superior.
Christianity Today isn’t interested in actually helping singles. They are interested in selling subscriptions to them by telling them what they think they want to hear. It’s the wrong message. It does more harm than good.
Marriage is on life support in our society. Fewer people are getting married, and those who do are getting married later in life and having fewer children.
This is a crisis.
So stop treating singleness as something to be celebrated. Almost every single Christian I know wants to be married. They don’t want to grow old alone. They want to fall in love and get married and have kids. Celebrating singleness cultivates apathy towards marriage at a time when marriage needs to be honored.
I discussed this with Tom Ascol and Graham Gunther recently on the Sword and The Trowel podcast.
Here’s an excerpt from that interview:
Teaching God’s people marriage in the church is not the problem, it’s the solution. It’s good to teach a positive vision for marriage that will motivate singles to aspire to it.
The American church needs a biblically faithful doctrine of marriage now more than ever.
Two Resources for Promoting Biblical Sexuality
#1: Gendered Virtue: Men and Women Who Take Dominion (conference)
This is a conference hosted by King’s Domain and Christ the King Church in Cincinnati, OH (Apr 18-20, 2024).
Men and women were made differently for distinct purposes. When each person embraces this distinction, the home, the workplace, and the world will change. Men and women who pursue holiness are pursuing fatherhood and motherhood. This kind of righteous living powerfully applies the gospel to world we live in. This conference is for Christian men and women who want to build godly households for the glory of Christ. Through these sessions, you will better understand gendered virtue and how to take dominion in Christ's name.
I’m really excited about this lineup! More details about them can be found at the conference website.
The early bird rate of admission is $110 per person. These tickets are on sale until March 1. The cost of regular admission will be $120 per person. Childcare will not be provided. Space will be very limited, so register as early as possible.
#2: God’s Good Design book
I devoted a whole chapter of my book to the topic of singleness because I care about Christian men and women and want them to experience the blessing of marriage. I’ve also agreed to write a pamphlet about singleness for Founder’s Ministries that will likely be published sometime next year. I just need to finish writing it first. :)
Top Three Recent Media Appearances
#1: Interview on the Theology Pugcast
In this conversation with CR Wiley, Glenn Sunshine, and Thomas Price, we talk a lot about the significant theological drift taking place in modern evangelicalism.
#2: Interview on Home Fires (a podcast for women)
Apple podcast version:
Spotify podcast version:
#3: Plain Speech Podcast
I started a new YouTube channel/podcast called "Plain Speech Podcast” where I’ll be posting video essays and interviews in the coming months. My first video, “Fools Reject Stereotypes,” just dropped yesterday. In this video, I explain the usefulness of stereotypes (even sexual stereotypes).
Without the use of *some* stereotypes, we lose ability to observe and live in the world as God made it. If you find it helpful, please share it with a friend. There’s more to follow in the coming weeks/months (whenever I have time!).
Audio only (Apple podcasts)
More GGD Sightings in the Wild
I’m so pleased with the positive reception of my book so far. I’m always curious to hear feedback from the book. Several new reviews have shown up on Goodreads. All of them very positive.
If you don’t have a copy of the book yet, it’s available now in paperback/Kindle, and audio versions on Audible, and Canon+ (with subscription).