I’ve got a personal update that I’m really excited to share with you!
When I first planted Christ the King Church in the inner city of Cincinnati 15 years ago, we met in a store front downtown, then we moved to a karate dojo in a local rec center (seriously!), then to a gymnasium, and finally we acquired an old Baptist church in our neighborhood.
Getting that new building was a tremendous blessing, especially since it was given to us for free by an aging and declining church, but it has become clear to us in recent years that we need to make a move. Our current building simply cannot accommodate our growing church.

Our church isn’t huge. We’re a “medium” size church, averaging around 220 for Sunday worship (including children). Oddly enough, our single biggest growth barrier is our building. It’s a wonderful building, but it’s small, there’s not much parking, and it’s tucked away far from the highway in an urban neighborhood.
The New Building We’re Pursuing
But now, we’ve got an opportunity to purchase a new church building that I’m positively giddy about. It would be an absolute game changer. I’m convinced this new building would unlock so much ministry potential because we’d no longer be cramped into a way-too-small building in a doesn’t-make-sense-for-us neighborhood.

The Give-Send-Go Fundraising Campaign
You’ll have to forgive me for shamelessly utilizing my platform for a fundraising appeal. I promise I won’t make it a habit! I know many of you appreciate my voice on the issues we care about, and perhaps would be interested in helping us out.
In this 3 minute video, I tell the story of this new building and what we need to do to acquire it. We’ve already secured the financing needed to purchase the building, but we still need to raise the $1 million down payment to move forward.
Here’s an excerpt from the video:
Christ the King Church is a conservative, reformed, baptist church, with a vision to help people know, love, and obey Jesus as Lord over all of life.
Our passion is to pass down a faithful Christian legacy to our children, our children’s children, and many generations beyond.
We’re known as a bible-preaching, Christ-exalting, truth-telling, boldly-prophetic church. We’re not embarrassed of a single verse of scripture.
We believe this new building would serve our congregation well for the next 100 years and beyond.
Moving Forward
We’ve got about six weeks to raise our $1 million down payment. Most of that amount will be raised internally from our members and attenders. And they are giving at an extraordinary level!
In fact, I’ve asked every member to give a one-time donation of TWICE their annual tithe. And they're doing it! I’ve done this myself.
So far, the response has been incredible. As of this moment, 31 members and families have pledged $680,120! That’s an average gift of $21,939 per donor. Bear in mind, most of these people aren’t rich. They work ordinary jobs. They just believe in what we’re doing and are committed to seeing it through.
Nevertheless, I thought other like-minded believers like you may want to support this project too, which is why I started this “Give-Send-Go” campaign. (If you’re not familiar with it, Give-Send-Go is basically Go-Fund-Me for Christians and non-profits).
Our Give-Send-Go fundraising goal is $100,000.
With your help, we could purchase this church building and continue expanding our bold gospel witness for many years to come.
We fully expect God to meet our needs. And we’d love for you to be a part of it. If you’d like to support this project, you can be assured that your contribution will help us leave a faithful Christian legacy for many generations.
Please consider making a donation to help us acquire this building!
Click here to view the Give-Send-Go campaign.
More Info about this Building Project
Leaving a 100 Year Legacy for Christ the King Church
This is my “vision sermon” I preached last Sunday, which put the building project in context.
Our current building
Our current building is about 11,000 square feet, seats about 220 people, and has about 25 parking spaces.

The new building
This new building is about 28,000 square feet, seats about 500, and has about 135 parking spaces. Additionally, it’s close to the highway in a desirable part of town. It’s beautiful and well-maintained.