Since LGBTQ Pride Month is just around the corner, Christians need to prepare themselves for the inevitable onslaught of gay propaganda. I’ve got some simple ways to do this at the end of this article.
Before I get to that, we need to see the connection between LGBTQ activism and ancient Canaanite religions. In scripture, God’s people were constantly tempted by these religions, which often involved child sacrifice. These are the two things we need to recognize to prepare for pride month: the religious nature of LGBTQ activism and the exploitation of children.
LGBTQ Ideology is a Religion
The first thing to remember is this: LGBTQ ideology is a religious cult. The sexual “revolution” of the 60s has ended and the sexual “religion” of 2023 has arrived. In other words, this isn’t merely a manifestation of human sin, but driven by demonic, spiritual powers that oppose God and his people (Eph 6:12).
This “culture war” is driven by human religious devotees to a pantheon of demonic, LGBTQ “gods” who demand worship through corporate brand endorsements, religious festivals, political activism, education, and entertainment of every kind. The sooner we recognize this, the better.
If you’ve been paying attention (I have), you might have noticed that LGBTQ pride celebrations are becoming more overtly religious, even openly mocking Christ. Here are some recent examples.

This video contains one particularly blasphemous example. If you’d rather not watch it, I don’t blame you. It features a man on a cross depicting Jesus while a bearded gay man performs a kind of pole dancing return around Christ. This was done at a supposedly “family friendly” event. The group in this video is known as the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and styles themselves as “queer nuns.”
They were invited by the LA Dodgers baseball team to “perform” for their annual LGBTQ Pride celebration. The Dodgers went through an invite-disinvite-reinvite cycle with the sisters, caving to pressure to celebrate perversity.
This is a screenshot of the video from their performance.
After significant backlash the Dodgers added a faith and family night to their schedule. Ummm, thanks?
This isn't done merely for artistic shock value, but a deliberate attempt to blaspheme the God of the Bible while embedding pagan spirituality into our collective subconsciousness.
It's really this simple: our society is being spiritually captured by demonic spirits who grow bolder by the year. June is a month-long religious propaganda campaign that recruits new adherents with fine-sounding lies about love, acceptance, and tolerance.
This should not be surprising. In Scripture, Canaanite religious practices were often associated with sexual immorality.
LGBTQ Activists are Targeting Children
The second thing to remember is this: LGBTQ activists are targeting children. They recognize winning the children is key to winning the future.
Drag Queen Story Hours have become a bit of a thing, where men who dress up as women go to public libraries to read books to children about how great it is to be gay, trans, or queer.

“Family Friendly” Drag Shows are becoming more and more common (this would surely have gotten people arrested, what, ten years ago?). One can only wonder, why would drag queens want to promote these things to children? Frankly, I can’t bring myself to send the pictures and videos I’ve got for this one. They’re too disturbing.
Target has faced backlash of their own in the last couple of weeks because of a collection of PRIDE merchandise prominently displayed near the front entrance of their stores. What stood out in these displays is the deliberate targeting (pun intended) of children. I went into my local Target to see for myself what they’re displaying. These are the pics I took.

I didn’t look at the swimsuits for kids, but I’ve heard others talk about kids’ bathing suits that have “tucking” (for boys) and “binding” (for girls) features built in.
All these things are deeply troubling. We’re going to see a lot more of it this June. If you’re angry and outraged, I get it. I feel the same way. I am angry that our Lord Jesus Christ is being blasphemed and derided so openly. And I’m angry for the children who are being indoctrinated and exploited.
And yet - outrage is worthless. Sitting around and getting angry will only embitter you and discourage you. There are far more productive things you can do.
Here’s a few suggestions to get you started.
#1: Intercessory Prayer.
I don’t mean this to sound cliche, but this truly is a spiritual battle and our response needs to likewise be spiritual. Paul’s famous text about taking up the Whole Armor of God (Eph 6:12-20) repeatedly emphasizes the need for prayer, calling it “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.”
Pray for people you care about.
Ask God to give people wisdom in navigating LGBTQ activism in their workplaces and neighborhoods.
Pray for your pastors and fellow church members to know the truth and walk in the light.
Pray for political and business leaders to lead with truth and justice.
#2: Meditate on the Victory of Christ.
Here are some truths to anchor your heart in.
Jesus is Lord - Rom 10:9
Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth - Matt 28:18
Jesus is with us always, to the end of the age - Matt 28:20
Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world - 1 John 4:4
Jesus has overcome the world - 1 John 5:4
The battle belongs to the Lord - 1 Sam 17
#3: Laugh at the Absurdity.
Laughter is warfare. If the scriptures above are true, then the joy of our confidence in Christ can overpower any anger or fear we experience towards the world. God isn’t nervous. He holds the future. Psalm 2:4 says, “He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.”
If God is laughing at something, we can laugh too. The Bible is funny. We should take our enemy seriously, but not cower in the corner, hand wringing over how awful things are. While we hate sin and grieve its effect in the world, the posture of an overcoming Christian is joy. Joy is a powerful weapon because it represents the heart of a conquering warrior.
#4: Resist.
How should you resist? I cannot prescribe the particular means of resistance for everyone, but every Christian must resist the evil of our day in some form or another. Obviously, we resist sin in our own lives and refuse to participate in it. Beyond this, I suggest we find where others are resisting and join them.
Some members of my church have asked me about boycotts. Are they good? Are they effective? They can be if Christians act strategically. We can’t boycott every business that does something we object to, but we can join others to try to send a message with our collective voice.
Bud Light was severely damaged by the boycott against them. They were damaged not merely because people stopped buying their product, but because their brand itself was damaged. Previously, Bud Light had a blue collar, “workingman’s beer” kind of appeal. Now, Bud Light has alienated their base by supporting LGBTQ ideology, and then alienated LGBTQ activists by backpedaling due to the backlash. This is a winning strategy. Bud Light isn’t losing simply due to a boycott. Bud Light is losing because they’ve become a joke. People are laughing at them.
The same thing is happening to Target. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but Target has been taking a beating in recent weeks because they’ve not only been subject to boycotts, but their brand is now associated with moral decay in our society. Target isn’t the only company supporting it, but since they stuck their necks out in such an egregious way, they invited scorn upon themselves and are paying the price for it.
There are other ways you can resist, but that’s all I’ll say for now. These are important things to discuss with Christian friends as we determine how to resist in the power of the Spirit.
Here's a good place to start. A fascinating testimony from an unexpected source (Naomi Wolf).
You might also check out Jonathan Cohn's book Return of the Ancient Gods. I thought the book was kind of "meh" and highly speculative, but he did make some good points, especially about ishtar/Ashtoreth.