Evangelicalism is Fatally Compromised on Sexuality
It’s a hard reality to face, but we must face it
The hard reality we need to face is that evangelicalism is fatally compromised on human sexuality.
The Revoice movement affirms “gay Christian” as a legitimate identity for believers. Andy Stanley hosted the “Unconditional” conference a few weeks ago, giving soft affirmation of homosexuality. Prominent evangelical leaders, such as David Gushee, has abandoned biblical teaching and has now embraced a gay affirming view.
Almost all the most prominent Christian leaders, platforms, publishers, and organizations have deviated from historic, biblical teaching. Many of them have normalized unbiblical views that would have been unthinkable in any era of church history until the 1960’s.
One of my favorite Christian bands in college was Caedmon’s Call, led by front man, Derek Webb. I remember first hearing their music on a summer project with CRU in 1997 (the summer I met my wife). The guys I shared a room with were playing their music and I was like, “woah, who is this?” I couldn’t stop listening. I was eager to grab each new record the moment it dropped.
So you can imagine my sadness and heartbreak when Webb later apostatized. Now, Webb’s hobby is to dress in drag in order to troll the very Christians who first platformed him. Last week, he attended the Dove Awards in a dress. In a video he posted later explaining why he did this, he included having “great legs” among his reasons.

Can you imagine a Revoice movement in the early church? Or Rick Warren advocating for women pastors at the Council of Nicaea? Or Martin Luther publishing pamphlets in support of “gay marriage”? Or anyone advocating “gay Christianity” in Calvin's Geneva? Or Andy Stanley hosting an “Unconditional” conference even 50 years ago? Of course not. They wouldn’t have tolerated it. But the Pop-Eva leaders of today do.
All of these ideas, and the organizations/publishers promoting them, are the innovations of a thoroughly modern and historically ignorant Christian subculture. This isn't progress. It’s regress.
And it’s not Christianity. It’s a demonic colonization of Christian leaders, churches, and institutions. These organizations and leaders claim the credibility of conservative Christianity while enjoying the compromises of progressive Christianity. They have the form of religion but have denied the power (2 Tim 3:5).
You can't have it both ways. It's either Christ or chaos. So called “progressive Christianity” is a dead-end. It is an aberration. Don’t fund it. Reject it.
When progressive “Christians” don’t get their way, they whine and cry and deconstruct, proving they were frauds all along. This is good. Let them be exposed. They are the “many antichrists” 1 John 2:18 talks about.
Here’s the thing. Apostasy and sexual immorality go together. I’ve noticed the trend of prominent Christians rejecting the faith in order to pursue or affirm sexual immorality. Likewise, churches and Christian organizations abandon the truth in order to affirm sexual immorality. In either case, sexual sin is the god of their religion.
We are at an inflection point. It’s time to starve these compromised organizations of the funding they rely on.
Don’t support their ministries.
Don’t read their websites.
Don’t buy their books.
Don’t attend their conferences.
Don’t listen to their podcasts.
Don’t listen to their music.
I'm convinced these movements will die out like every other aberration in church history. As they die out and the smoke clears, historic, biblical Christianity will still be standing strong amidst the ruins of yet another failed attempt to redefine the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
OHIO’s Issue #1
Ohio is going to the polls in a little over two weeks, and Issue #1 is on the ballot. Issue #1 is a macabre, constitutional amendment that will legalize abortion at every stage of pregnancy. Here’s a video I recorded urging OH voters to vote “NO” on Issue #1.
Other Media Appearances
The Sword and the Trowel. I’ve been a fan of Founders Ministries for many years since first hearing about them in the early 2000’s. So it was a lot of fun meeting Pastor Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden for this conversation about biblical sexuality.
County Before Country Conference. I recently spoke at the County Before Country conference. My talk was entitled, “Planting Churches with Spines.” Here’s the video.
GGD now available on Audible
The audiobook for my book "God’s Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality,” is now available on Audible! The audiobook is also available on the Canon+ streaming app.
Such gay affirming "churches" are no longer churches but temples of Baal.